We are guessing because we were trying to save money and eat from the street carts instead of restaurants, we caught some “B” worms! Don’t fret though, currently we are feeling much better!
We resorted to western medicine by default. We tried a de-worming pill after the pharmacist promised this medications would take care of the problem. But more sick we became! After the pills, we were plagued with a headache, intestinal cramps, constipation, nausea, vomiting, back ache and pretty much just feeling like our body was falling to pieces!
We began with small bedtime prayers upon the first hint of stomach bubbling. But as things intensified, you better believe we began praying more fervently and claiming God’s healing power. While recently reading Kenneth Hagin’s book, “Power of Healing” we were shown what God says about it. In Matthew 8:16-17, Matthew writes that he (Jesus) healed all the sick that came to Him. This was done by Jesus in order to fulfill that which was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: “He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases." As Jesus carried not only our sins to the cross, he also bore our sickness and diseases! By his wounds we have been healed and this was done two thousands ago! I don’t know how I ever missed this powerful passage; God gave us Christians power to heal the sick in Jesus Name!
Last night during the height of this sickness, Lori had nausea, vomiting, constipation, stomach cramping, throbbing headache, etc. I knew this time I wasn’t going to mess around anymore. I prayed oh so fervently, claiming healing in His Son’s Name and believing Lori’s healing had already been done and that her symptoms would be manifested as resolved by morning time before the clinic was to open… GUESS WHAT? One hour later, the headache was gone, the nausea and vomiting subsided. Today, by golly, she was rid of that belly-ache and the uninvited worms without the clinic!
A person could say this was coincidence or the body’s natural healing process, but comparing this event to the many sick I’ve looked after and knowing recovery time from these kinds of gastro-intestinal illnesses, I KNOW this does not happen in one measly hour and was nothing less than Christ's healing!
All in all, for the amazing healing and lesson we learned through this, I still shake my head in amazement- He Is Faithful! We don’t highly recommend this diet, but would highly recommend getting in The Word and putting into practice God’s promise of healing! It’s powerful!