We’d love to see anyone who is available while we’re back this summer, as we probably won't be returning for a couple years. We’ll be between California & Minnesota until August 12th, so please, let us know if you’re around so we can get together!
We're having a little potluck this Saturday July 11th @ 4:30 @ The Ranch. If you're interested in seeing us and hearing more about what Lori & I have been up to, come & bring a dish to share. We'd love to see you! Again, pass this along to anyone who's interested. Please email RSVP.
Also, we'd be happy to speak to your church or small group, if you'd like to hear encouraging stories.
Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him. ~Mark 1:17-18