Though, all was not lost. We did enjoy bargaining with the store owners and clerks. One clerk spilled her company’s sale tactics. For example, the pillow shams, cost her owner $2.50. But, judging by the nationality of the tourist who walks into her store, she charges anywhere from $5 for the average cheap looking tourist (probably the few like us) to $20 for Japanese tourists who won’t fight the price, but gives a complimentary 10% off to make them feel like they’re getting a deal. Upon first arriving in Bali one and a half weeks ago, I thought the locals just doubled or tripled the prices. Boy I was mistaken, but luckily was only conned an extra $4 during our first taxi cab ride.
We’ve heard of the bemo, which is the public transport that takes mostly locals from town to town, but this is the real economy transport. We’re not sure of the price but think that we will try this one soon.

Our fist dinner on the street! We thought we’ve given our stomachs enough time to adjust to the local fiery food, so we thought we would finally try eating off of one of those carts. It smelled really great and for 50 cents each we thought it would be good on our budget too. This particular cart only made one thing: Sate ayam or “chicken on a stick” with rice. So we went for it! It was good, but to be honest we weren’t really feeling it the next day…

That bemo looks like great fun - but... hold on to your hats!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love the hats! Classic!