Walking off the plane in CEBU, airport security provided us with sunbrellas? for our long 30sec walk. But, Lori's prepared for the typhoon. The royal treatment.

Finally things are a little bit cheaper: a 1hr taxicab ride costs $3, 4hr bus ride $2.50. But, you get what you pay for… the bus was much rougher than the mass transit system of Signapore. Too bad we can’t post the video. The A/C is the open windows and doors. Vendors hop on and off at various bus stops to sell their homemade snacks of rice cakes and peanuts. The conductor, wearing an NBA basketball jersey, hangs out the open door of the bus finding more passengers along the way. The bus driver honks at everything (approx once every second) to clear himself a path, weaving in and out of traffic, all the while keeping the accelerator fully depressed. He doesn’t stop for potholes, and the bus runs as though he hadn’t ever slowed.

Finally arriving late in the evening in Maya, we, unfortunately, didn’t arrive in time to take the boat to the island of Malapascu. But a nice Filipino couple offered to let us stay in their cousin’s house in town. What a God-send and blessing for a random family to take in white strangers off the street without even wanting to accept any form of payment. They are true examples of Christians. Lori found a new friend or did the new friend find Lori?

Notice the national pastime being performed by the little girl in the bottom of the photo.
That driver probably wouldn't notice California speed bumps.