Lori and Anders went for it today with an entire 5k! It was a blast (and a pain in Lori's side- Anders is glad he's not the cause this time!) and reminded us how much we’ve been neglecting going out for some good quality runs. It was an awesome event put on by the “
Christians Concerned for ‘B’” in which all proceeds go to the aid of displaced or hurting people within the nation. Except for maybe two locals, the rest of the large turnout consisted of “farangs” (foreigners). When advertising the race to our Thai friend, he asked (seriously) "Well, where are you running?" and "Why?" We had to explain races are good exercise and fun for foreigners, beside the cause this run was supporting. He looked as us oddly. This is probably due to the slogan on the back of the race T-shirts, "For a million villagers in "B", running is not a choice."
They even had a flip-flop division, since many villagers often have to run from their villages in nothing more than their sandals. There were very few takers, and those who did it were not looking like they enjoyed it much by the end of the race =(

Our friend teaching nearby came out for a fun time too!
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