As there seems to be a shifting clog somewhere in the mysterious network of drain lines somewhere in the house- we're unable to take warm showers in the primary bathroom...
Now I don't mind the cold shower all that much and find them quite refreshing, but Lori on the other hand, finds them quite miserable. So this afternoon she relayed how she took care of that problem. No, it wasn't through re-routing of the plumbing, as I would have done, but instead through prayer- something I sadly didn't think of.
Trepid, as she stepped foot into the shower she prayed for a better-than-tepid shower. She turned on the water and it... still felt cold. Saddened for a moment that God didn't answer her prayer, she thought for a moment then prayed again, "God, could you please allow me not to feel cold?" Guess what? Sure as shower, Lori exclaimed that she didn't shiver or shake or feel any discomfort from the "less than modern convenience"! Praise God we can ask Him for His help, even in the small things.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD. ~Isaiah 55:8 (NIV)
Sometimes He doesn't answer our prayers when we want or how we want. But maybe, if we re-consider what we are asking and ask according to His will and His ways, which we can only know by reading His word, He would be happy to oblige!
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