Two weeks ago, my father went in for a routine blood test, but found his PSA levels were elevated. Elevated PSA levels indicate a likelihood for prostate cancer.
Just learning how important prayer is, in our classes, we went right to work. But we did something different this time, we asked our church staff of approximately forty, to pray with us.
Three days ago it came time for the biopsy. Just a few hours before surgery, he found out that he hadn't been scheduled for and needed a pre-operation blood test. Rushing into the lab, they fast-tracked the test and results were obtained by the Dr. just minutes before the biopsy. By the grace of God, He didn't have to be rescheduled. Surprisingly though, the PSA levels had dropped by half and were well within the normal range!
The biopsy test went smoothly, although he was in so much pain, he was sweating. Unaware of all of this information at this moment in time, we were in our regular staff prayer meeting, trusting God for his healing.
Hours later we received an email that he was in such great discomfort after the surgery, but suddenly became comfortable and could finally sleep. Counting back the hours, this "sudden comfort" came at the exact same moment in time we all had been praying for him!
Just speaking to him a few minutes ago, he reported that ALL twelve tests came back negative for cancer! Whether or not he had cancer a few days ago, we won't know in this lifetime, but we can clearly see God's hand in his final report of being in excellent health, the abnormal drastic decrease of his PSA levels, in the sudden comforting, and the quick healing from the surgery.
God is so amazing and is not to be taken lightly.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. ~Proverbs 3:5-6
We are so happy to hear this wonderful news, and are thanking God for His healing touch!