Days later, our kind friends who had so kindly boxed up and moved our stuff into storage while we were in America provided a lead. When we walked in to this house we felt a strong peace about it. A peace that could only come from God. We didn't quite know why this was the house He had picked out. Not only did it have five bedrooms, as we are able to only stay in one at a time, but maintenance was long overdue! The house was certainly different in one respect... it lacked a Buddhist temple and instead had a picture of Jesus hanging on the wall.
Without hesitation, and before speaking of any contract detail (definitely not like me) we told them we would take it!
The landlords seemed very reluctant to fix anything, which concerned us. So figure that instead of being concerned, we ought to pray about it. A week later when we arrived to sign the lease and before even speaking of repairs, the landlord announced that a repairman would be here in a few minutes to begin fixing all the problems! We couldn't believe our ears and just looked at each other in disbelief! All praise be to God.
After a fresh coat of paint (we wish we would have taken before pictures), our home is ready for guests! We even have beds for ten. So come on over, you'll even have your own room. But, you might have to bring your own sheets!
Checkout Lori's fine color scheme, I'm so proud of her creativity!
Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock. ~Isaiah 26:4, NLT
A BEAUTIFUL home - obviously very unique. And Lori's taste is exquisite for sure!