Then, just as quickly as he arrived, he zoomed off again, this time to a group study session until just returning a few min. ago... now really exhausted.
Tomorrow at 8:30 AM we'll head for their church... COC, stands for Christian Outreach Center. I had it confused with Church of Christ. There'll be a little prayer time... maybe for the trip to the mountains. (We begin taking our malaria pills tomorrow which is 3 days before heading out.)
The building is quite large. Hank learned that it used to be a sewing factory so there had been lot of electrical power, much now cut off, of course. A few years ago, the pastor's 2 yr, old granddaughter had put her little finger into the 440Volt cabinet and survived. It went in through her finger and came out through her wrist, according to Anders. Amazing. Lord had His hand on her.
Guess what is next to the building? I'm sorry to report that it is a brothel. So sad. Also, the outside is decorated so, that we thought it was a children's school. The congregation prays that they can someday buy that building and offer Real Life!!!
For this evening's meal, Lori brought home a variety of Thai dishes from Nan's. We put each in a separate serving bowl and made our selections. It is difficult, if not impossible to choose a favorite. The flavors are delicious!
Their dog Chelsi is such a gentle soul. Her previous owner treated her like Thelma would. She now lives a life more similar to Kobe's. She is NOT suffering... but we are! Instantly, as soon as she is aware of a human... the tennis ball is in the mouth and those pleading eyes make contact with ours... thus we suffer. She knows how to poke her nose between the sliding doors, with ball in mouth and wag that long, friendly tail. We humans do a lot of, "Oh dear" , pause to consider that slimy ball, give in, toss as far as possible and immediately scoot to a sink for a thorough handwashing.
Oh, Nan has offered to take Laurie and I to the local week-long gift bazaar tomorrow after lunch. She is quite something... always offering help. We think that she must have a pretty good education because she also teaches business labor law somewhere at the local university. Hank and I both thought of Elena, remember Krystal's homeowner who died last year, when we first met Nan. They are built similarly, short dark hair, sincere smiling countenance and devoted to helping others.
Well, I'll close for now. This next week we head off to teach at a discipleship training school and scope out upcoming projects & evaluating motives. Too often, Anders reports, we're viewed as ATM machines, so there is a great need to be careful with aid. More to come at the end of the week!
Love ya,
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