Once again we pack up and head for a village. Soon as we return, we'll have one day to pack for home! Hank is ready, he said. I believe this is our record of being away.
Dear friend Nan (nahn) left by bus tonight for Bangkok. Lori and Hank drove her to the bus stop. She promises to visit in CA. I think she will do just that.
Oh,, we met one of A and L's professors. This was the first faculty member of Payap Univ. that they met when inquiring about the MBA program. Get this. He was a sponsored child with Compassion International. He is the first Karen (a tribe) to achieve his PhD. Someone we would love to have as a friend.
Anders and Lori had their final final today. This professor had them writing for 6 hours straight! They were totally worn to a frazzle.
Lastly, while they were at school, Hank, Laurie and I were home after morning church. I volunteered to make egg salad sandwiches for lunch so began to place the eggs in water and turned on the gas burner. Flash, fire! I screamed for Hank, turned off the burner, Laurie ran in first and threw a pitcher of water on it. Hank came flying downstairs and by now we had a sheet of fire starting to go up the screen. Something was feeding the fire. Almost simultaneously, Hank saw that the hose connection was loose while the neighbor jumped the fence and turned off the propane tank. How thankful we were that within 3 min. it was over, with a couple of damaged screens and smoke stain near ceiling. Thankfully also, that we were all here and acted as a team.........great neighbor included. Now, A and L will have a marvelous opportunity to gift him and his family.
Well, all are in bed except Anders and I. Within minutes, it'll be only him...:~)
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