Monday, September 28, 2009

Busy-Busy. This time with class!

This is the time for learning. Three weeks ago we started school 7days/wk 8hrs/day until the end of November, attending two full time programs- Masters in Business at a local university and the Missionary Training School put on by our local church.

We just began attending the long awaited three-month Missionary Training Institute (MTI) program, sponsored by the Christian Outreach Center of Thailand, during the weekdays.  A sample of some of the topics we'll be covering, which we certainly could use some education, include the following:
• Biblical Studies
• History of Missions
• Planning, networking and strategic concepts
• Character Development and Calling
• Ministry techniques
• Unfamiliar Culture; Language Studies
• Legal, ethical and social studies
• Emotional response, responsibilities and family
• Welfare Strategies
• Health, hygiene and Tropical medicine
• Support
• Finance, Administration and Budgets
• Technological Aids
• School of the Spirit
I understand we'll be learning these things both in class and on several planned outreaches... probably much like our recent Nu Poe experience- yeah!

The MBA program rounds out our week on Saturdays & Sundays. Surprisingly most of the professors are American, but here is one of the few Thai prof.

Lori intently listening, and hopefully not thinking of other house projects...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

No Doubt, Prayer Works!

Two weeks ago, my father went in for a routine blood test, but found his PSA levels were elevated. Elevated PSA levels indicate a likelihood for prostate cancer.

Just learning how important prayer is, in our classes, we went right to work. But we did something different this time, we asked our church staff of approximately forty, to pray with us.

Three days ago it came time for the biopsy. Just a few hours before surgery, he found out that he hadn't been scheduled for and needed a pre-operation blood test. Rushing into the lab, they fast-tracked the test and results were obtained by the Dr. just minutes before the biopsy. By the grace of God, He didn't have to be rescheduled. Surprisingly though, the PSA levels had dropped by half and were well within the normal range!

The biopsy test went smoothly, although he was in so much pain, he was sweating. Unaware of all of this information at this moment in time, we were in our regular staff prayer meeting, trusting God for his healing.

Hours later we received an email that he was in such great discomfort after the surgery, but suddenly became comfortable and could finally sleep. Counting back the hours, this "sudden comfort" came at the exact same moment in time we all had been praying for him!

Just speaking to him a few minutes ago, he reported that ALL twelve tests came back negative for cancer! Whether or not he had cancer a few days ago, we won't know in this lifetime, but we can clearly see God's hand in his final report of being in excellent health, the abnormal drastic decrease of his PSA levels, in the sudden comforting, and the quick healing from the surgery.

God is so amazing and is not to be taken lightly.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

Monday, September 14, 2009


As we recently have learned in our culture class at the MTI, and unbeknown to us, it is absolutely necessary to bring gifts when visiting government offices, friend's homes, and neighbors, upon moving into a new neighborhood. The gifts are not looked at as manipulation, but rather as friendship builders. What a different culture!

After speaking to a friend about his experience, he said the only mistake they made when handing out their gifts, years ago, was in missing one of the neighbors, as they weren't home.  They've received a cold-shoulder ever since and even since giving them other gifts!  

So... Lori got right on that with her "easy bake oven"!

My child, listen and be wise: Keep your heart on the right course. ~Proverbs 23:19, NLT

Friday, September 11, 2009

A New Addition to Our Family!

No, we're not speaking of a little one. We're speaking of a very furry friend named Chelsi! As we were picking up our friend's refrigerator, she asked on the way out the door... "Can you please take my dog too?"

This wasn't according to our responsibility plan (i.e.- confirm we are able to keep a plant alive first, then see if we are responsible enough for a dog, then maybe other things...) We couldn't help but say no. Maybe God was reminding us that it isn't about us or our perceived plan!

She doesn't have the best of habits, we soon realized after she barks during the middle of the night, refuses dry dog food, and eats our friends shoes! We have some training to do after she finishes her "fasting protest". Our friend admitted to feeding her freshly cooked steaks and allowing her to sleep in her bed! Goodness.
From Sep '09 Web

But I am trusting you, O Lord, saying, "You are my God!" ~Psalm 31:14, NLT

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Disaster Relief!

Our church held a preliminary interest meeting in forming an SE Asian First Responders Disaster Relief Team in response to their insights gained from previous disaster response. We are both very excited to be able to be a part of such a team to utilize these random skills and experiences we have recently wondered if we'd ever be able to use again. Nothing is random in God's book. He has it all worked out ahead of time. We just need to trust He will use our skills and experience in His timing, not ours!

I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers! ~Isaiah 65:24, NLT

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Our House, and even Refurbished... pheww!

Traveling around the town looking at either overpriced or junky looking houses, we were beginning to feel depressed about the housing situation and where we could rent something decent for a decent price. Finally we remembered to pray, so we prayed for the house God wanted for us.

Days later, our kind friends who had so kindly boxed up and moved our stuff into storage while we were in America provided a lead. When we walked in to this house we felt a strong peace about it. A peace that could only come from God. We didn't quite know why this was the house He had picked out. Not only did it have five bedrooms, as we are able to only stay in one at a time, but maintenance was long overdue! The house was certainly different in one respect... it lacked a Buddhist temple and instead had a picture of Jesus hanging on the wall.

Without hesitation, and before speaking of any contract detail (definitely not like me) we told them we would take it!

The landlords seemed very reluctant to fix anything, which concerned us. So figure that instead of being concerned, we ought to pray about it. A week later when we arrived to sign the lease and before even speaking of repairs, the landlord announced that a repairman would be here in a few minutes to begin fixing all the problems! We couldn't believe our ears and just looked at each other in disbelief! All praise be to God.

After a fresh coat of paint (we wish we would have taken before pictures), our home is ready for guests! We even have beds for ten. So come on over, you'll even have your own room. But, you might have to bring your own sheets!

Checkout Lori's fine color scheme, I'm so proud of her creativity!

Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock. ~Isaiah 26:4, NLT

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Good News with Curtains

On our return trip we stopped by another refugee camp and visited with the discipleship training team and Good News Club leaders. They have 100+ students now! The Muslim community is even requesting they come into their camp to teach English through the the Bible too! Pray hearts would be open to receive the Good News!

On the way, we visited a church/curtain factory. Can't say I've ever seen that combination before! They hold a service on Sunday's in the bottom floor and during the week make clothes and curtains to help fund the church. What a wonderful idea!

Getting to Know Nu Poe

Traveled back a second day to have a closer look at the hydroelectric generator. Here's a video of the jungle trek.

In the nearby camp of 16,000 refugees, we were very impressed with how much they have done with so little. Here's a peek at camp life.

They've created streets with a rudimentary, but solid drainage system, grown crops, raised pigs & chickens, and have even erected schools and playground equipment!

The secondary school & jr. college principal stated they have just begun vocational programs in blacksmithing, baking, accounting, & tailoring.

I admit, I was more impressed with their fire extinguishing system!

Even more incredible was the sight of this unsupervised toddler's toy- a machete!