Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Haiti Project (Oct '10 - Apr '11)

Lori was asked by a small NGO to do the structural design for 4000 transitional shelters for the Haitians.   The project had been outsourced to them by USAid to assist in re-building throughout the disaster stuck region.  
These emergency shelter "shells" were built by locals, enclosed with tarps, then in the next phase would "transition" into a fully enclosed permanent structure.  This was an interesting and unique project, as Lori corresponded with management on the ground to design structures using locally available materials.  

Many of the structures that had been constructed in the window of time after the disaster and before her consultation had not been designed to withstand another earthquake or hurricane!  She helped out greatly with by bringing them up to standard of the international building code through a creative and cost effective solution!  

While she never touched ground in Haiti, she was certainly glad to have a part in their future- a world away!  

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Looong Overdue Updates- Our Apologies

We realize it's been way too long since our last update, especially without a Christmas card, so please pardon us.  Over the next several weeks we will be sending out little tidbits, catching up from a year ago.  Or, if you are just joining us, want to know a little more about where we've been and what we've been doing?  Then feel free to follow along with our mini series beginning with Part I.

It isn't money we seek, but could we instead ask something else of you? 

We have only begun to realize the power of prayer and know we are only still here because of it!  Would you help us see transformation (improvement) in the lives of people around us (e.g.- neighborhood, university, social-business, etc.) by pledging to pray for us?  We are seeking 168 hours of prayer per week.  Yes, your math is correct- it is 24hrs a day, 7days a week.

We ask you to pledge to pray for us for only 1 minute at each meal of the day or while you are commuting or walking...  We have confidence that God will do amazing things in your life, as well as ours, as a result of your faithful prayer!  

If you are willing to do that, please Reply to at and note the minutes you are feasibly able to commit each day to pray for us.  We, in turn, will commit to send you brief updates more often and pray blessing upon you, your family and your work too!

Thank you in advance for your prayer!  Also, hope you had a very belated Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Your Enablers (for good),

Anders & Lori

Picture Courtesy of Amber McGaughey. Thank You Amber!