Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Blessings

This month we have guest writers to our blog! Read on to see who it is!

Hi each and every Dear One,

Firstly, we are so very much thanking our Lord for having arrived safely and soundly!

Also, from the bottom of our hearts, "Thank you to each and every one for your prayers and untold number of and variety of helps. It is such a joy to see how God uses His invisible body faithfully to give forth..........some, in ways you may not even realize. Each was noticed, touched our heart, helped Anders and Lori's mission effort and blesses His heart.

This little greeting is to update you, and anyone else you can think of who may not have email. Please enjoy and share the accompanying short 'pictorial journal' of our journey thus far. We promise you, there is more to come! Just wanted to get this out today.

Seoul, after 13hr flight.

Let the adventure begin!

Traveling Thai-style with bungee cords... the taxi driver couldn't believe we didn't need his services!

Laurie's bag hung on for dear life.

L,H,&A loved this!

Ask and we sure received! (sheets that is)

Lori's Thanksgiving fruit basket

Orchids, orchids everywhere!

From Nov '09 Web
And I mean everywhere!

As we close, it is off for a Thanksgiving Day feast with Anders and Lori's university group and some fellow missionaries.

Much, much love in Him

Hank, Arlene, Laurie, Anders and Lori


  1. really enjoyed your guest writers - and the neat travel pictures. Sounds like a great trip!

  2. Very interesting travel pictures. Thinking it's a good thing you were in Seoul, and not Singapore - don't know what the penalty would be for laying down in public? Maybe they'd let you off easy if they didn't find any gum in your luggage.
