Saturday, December 5, 2009

King's Birthday- A National Event!

Everything is moving so fast. Try, twice as fast as at home! Remember how I wore out that phrase, "How time flies?" Well, now it is at Mach 6!

For a truly visual story, see December photos.

Well, we've returned from 'the villages' and orphanage, thus the great lull in communication. The pictures will give you a glimpse into this blog narrarive. Among other pix, you'll see some precious faces of the children Jesus loves around the world. They are most definitely precious in His and our sight. Let's go back to about where I think we left off last entry.

After shopping for warm clothes, blankets, sleeping bags, etc. for our trip to "the village', we proceeded to our evening plan., Nan (nahn) was our amazing tour guide again.

Because the king's birthday, December 5, is such a big event here, celebrations took place everywhere over the weekend.

We attended two. First, note pictures, next to a small lake is a park freshly decorated with gorgeous blankets of color-coordinated patterns of flowers and shrubs of every kind imaginable.

In the evening, large, bright yellow and pink, lighted lanterns added to the glorious display.
From Dec '09 Web

Actually, we were there Dec. 4, so didn't realize that it was more or less, a dress rehearsal. (The costumes are gorgeous works-of-art! ) As a result, we had ViP-type front row seats to both the Thai dancers (think 'The King and I' ) and a pageant which followed actually taking place in the water.

December 5 found us in a 2 hour traffic jam where everyone was headed to the king's fireworks display. Lori was our driver.........'Yeah, Lori"!...........We, along with a zillion others, parked ON THE SUPER-HIGHWAY and walked to the park. Guess what? It was almost over! BUT, we did it and arrived home safely!

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